What is whey powder and what is its application

What is whey powder and what is its application

​A yellow liquid is produced from the milk clot during yogurt and cheese production, which is then dried and called whey powder.
This product is categorized based on its PH and color.
Applications of colored and white whey with an approximate PH of 4.5-8.5 is mainly in puffed grain industries.
Sour whey is used in curd and black curd industries. White whey with a sweet flavor and high PH is used in cake and cookies, ice cream, biscuits, and dessert industries as a substitute for powdered milk in part.
Besides flavoring snacks such as potato chips, nuts, and popcorn, whet powder is rich in minerals, protein, and fiber.
Whey protein is a complete protein as it contains nine essential amino acids.
Some of the benefits and properties of this protein are as follows:
-        Muscle formation
-        Weight loss
-        Body fat loss
-        Anticancer
-         Cholesterol reduction
-        Increased body immunity level
-        Reduced blood pressure
This product is obtained in three ways:
Traditional why powder (white and colored)
With traditional cheese flavor and 8-10% protein content
UF (permit) whey powder (white and colored)
Whey is dried to a 3-4% moisture content through ultrafiltration and contains less than 10% protein, vitamins, minerals, and lactose.
Demineralized whey powder
Demineralized whey lacks minerals and vitamins. This method of whey production leads to a higher protein content but omits the minerals and the sour and salty taste. This type of whey contains lactose and 10-15% protein.

Golshad Products

The company’s products include various types of industrial powdered milk, white and colored powdered cheese with various formulations, and other flavoring powders used in dairies, ice cream, snacks, potato chips, cookies and cakes, meat products, pasta, chocolate, etc.

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