White and colored whey powder

Minimum Order : 250 کیلوگرم
UF (permit) whey powder (white and colored)
Raw whey undergoes tests and quality assessments, is stored in respective tanks based on PH, and is packed in multilayer packaging under hygienic conditions. This product complies with licenses obtained from the Ministry of Health and the Standard Organization and is classified into various PH ranges based on consumer needs.
Applications of colored and white whey with an approximate PH of 4.5-8.5 is mainly in puffed grain industries. White sour whey is used in curd and black curd industries. White whey with a sweet flavor and high PH is used in cake and cookies, ice cream, biscuits, and dessert industries as a substitute for powdered milk in part. 

Golshad Products

The company’s products include various types of industrial powdered milk, white and colored powdered cheese with various formulations, and other flavoring powders used in dairies, ice cream, snacks, potato chips, cookies and cakes, meat products, pasta, chocolate, etc.

Phone: +985135413689-90

email: info{at}golshad.ir

Working Hours: 7 to 15

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